8051 Microcontroller Architecture|RISC and CISC CPU Architectures|HARVARD & VON- NEUMANN CPU Architecture

8051 Microcontroller Architecture: In this post, 8051 Microcontroller Architecture,CISC Vs CISC, and Harvard Vs Von- Neumann CPU Architecture is explained.

What is a Microcontroller?

A microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit) is a small computer on a single VLSI integrated circuit (IC) chip.

Read : Microcontroller|Types of microcontroller

A microcontroller contains one or more CPUs (processor cores) along with memory and programmable input/output peripherals.

Program memory in the form of ferroelectric RAM, NOR flash or OTP ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a small amount of RAM.

Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or other general-purpose applications consisting of various discrete chips.

Read Also : 8051 Microcontroller MCQ|8051 Questions and Answers

Addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller|8051 Addressing Modes

More articles on Microcontroller is given at the last. Hope you check it

8051 Architecture

Here 8051 Microcontroller architecture is explained.

RISC and CISC CPU Architectures

Microcontrollers with small instruction set are called reduced instruction set computer (RISC) machines and those with complex instruction set are called complex instruction set computer (CISC).
Intel 8051 is an example of CISC machine whereas microchip PIC 18F87X is an example of RISC machine.

RISC Vs CISC Architectures

Instruction takes one or two cyclesInstruction takes multiple cycles

Only load/store instructions are used to access memory
In additions to load and store instructions, memory access is possible with other instructions also
Instructions executed by hardwareInstructions executed by the micro program
Fixed format instructionVariable format instructions
Few addressing modesMany addressing modes
Few instructionsComplex instruction set
Most of the have multiple register banksSingle register bank
Highly pipelinedLess pipelined
Complexity is in the compilerComplexity in the microprogram
RISC Vs CISC Architectures

Von Neumann architecture vs Harvard architecture

Von-Neumann (Princeton architecture) and Harvard architecture


Von-Neumann Vs Harvard architecture

Von-Neumann (Princeton architecture)Harvard architecture
It uses single memory space for both instructions and data.It has separate program memory and data memory
It is not possible to fetch instruction code and data
Instruction code and data can be fetched simultaneously
Execution of instruction takes more machine cycleExecution of instruction takes less machine cycle
Uses CISC architectureUses RISC architecture
Instruction pre-fetching is a main featureInstruction parallelism is a main feature
Also known as control flow or control driven computersAlso known as data flow or data driven computers
Simplifies the chip design because of single memory spaceChip design is complex due to separate memory space
Eg. 8085, 8086, MC6800
Eg. General purpose microcontrollers, special DSP chips etc.

ЧЕМ ОТЛИЧАЕТСЯ Ядро risc-v И ЯДРО 8051

Read More on Microcontrollers

  1. Features of AVR|AVR Microcontrollers
  2. 8051 ARCHITECTURE|8051 Microcontroller Architecture
  3. 8051 Microcontroller Architecture|RISC and CISC CPU Architectures|HARVARD & VON- NEUMANN CPU Architecture
  4. Microprocessor VS Microcontroller| Comparison of Microprocessor and Microcontroller|Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  5. Addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller|8051 Addressing Modes
  6. 8051 Microcontroller Instruction Set|KSEB Sub Engineer Notes
  7. 8051 Microcontroller MCQ|8051 Questions and Answers
  8. Microcontroller|Types of microcontroller
  9. 8051 Microcontroller Notes pdf|8051 microcontroller pdf
  10. Interrupts in 8051|Interrupts in 8051 Microcontroller

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