Electric Circuit|Types of Electric Circuit

Electric Circuit: An arrangement of devices through which electricity can flow is called an electrical circuit. A circuit diagram is a representation of a circuit using symbols for electrical components.

In all the circuit diagrams the direction of the current is shown by arrows, starting from the positive terminal of the cell or battery and ending in the negative terminal.


What is an Electric Circuit?

Types of Electric Circuit

An ‘‘electric circuit’’ is a conducting path through which either an electric current flows, or is
intended to flow.

An Electric Circuit can be divided into four categories :

(i) Closed circuit

(ii) Open circuit

(iii) Short circuit

(iv) Earth or leakage circuit.

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(i) Closed circuit

It is the complete path for flow of electric current through the load.

Example. The glowing of a bulb.

Closed circuit

(ii) Open circuit

In case any one of the supply wires is disconnected or the fuse burns out,
then the current will not flow through the bulb, which is an example of open circuit.

What is an open circuit?

Ans.: The figure given below shows an open circuit.


An open circuit occurs when there is a break in the circuit which stops the current from flowing. Breaks in the circuit can be due to many causes, such as a loose lamp holder or a missing wire in the circuit.

(iii) Short circuit

If the supply mains are connected directly by a piece of wire without any load, then the value of the current will be much greater than that in a closed circuit.

Hence, the fuse gets blown off and this circuit is known as a short circuit.

(iv) Earth or leakage circuit.

If any wire of supply mains touches the ‘body of an appliance’, then it is known as earth or leakage circuit.

Depending upon the type of current flowing in it, an electric circuit may be further classified
as :

(i) D.C. circuit (ii) A.C. circuit.

dc circuit and ac circuit

In DC, the electrons flow steadily in a single direction, while electrons keep switching directions, going forward and then backwards in AC.

dc circuit and ac circuit

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